Head Down


Flying Head Down is another new flight adventure. It is an orientation that will require a completely new skill set, but also relies on all of the skills you have learned leading up to it - Belly, Back, and Sit flying. The beginning of your progression is highlighted here along with the lesson plans which will outline the first few necessary steps to begin learning to safely fly Head Down.

Download Lesson Plan 1 Download Lesson Plan 2


Learning Head Down will be one of the most challenging yet fun things you will do in the tunnel. It is a time-consuming goal to attain, but the reward will certainly be worth the effort! Head Down flight is the final Static orientation in the IBA flight progression; it will open many doors for your flying career and help complete you as a fully-rounded flyer.

Prior to beginning the Head Down progression in the wind tunnel, you will need to be competent at:

• All Belly Flying (IBA Level 1) skills

• All Back Flying (IBA Level 2) skills

• All Sit Flying (IBA Level 3) skills

• The Sit to Sit Front Flip Transition (knowing all sit-to-sit transitions is preferred)

Before beginning, you will need to receive a full safety briefing from the tunnel Instructor, as well as a body position and skill briefing from a qualified Head Down Coach.


 The primary objective is to be able to safely and successfully fly a static neutral Head Down position off of the net at moderate to fast wind speeds, with minimal assistance from your tunnel Instructor and/or Coach.


Prior to entering the flight chamber to begin this skill, it is important that you discuss with your Instructor the specific plan for the flight time. You will be directed which way to face and set up on the net. When given the appropriate signal from the Instructor, you will kneel onto the net, find a grasp of the net, then rotate your body to place the top of your head onto the net. During the supported Head Down body position training, your Instructor will have at least one grip on you at all times.

Once your body stabilizes, you will be given the signal to release the net one hand at a time and assume a comfortable, neutral flying position. Whether you are in the early stages of learning this skill and remain on the net, or whether you have some experience and are learning to fly a neutral position off of the net, you will set up the same way each time.

Technique and Drills


On The Net:

 • Set up on the net, with your head down and holding the net

 • Once in the Head Down position, start in a “straddle” (legs wide) position, and then switch to a “daffy” (one leg in front and one behind) position

• The “straddle” position is an easier position, to begin with, in order to get a feel for supporting yourself on the net upside down and practicing the “bail.” The “daffy” position is more difficult but provides the right amount of lift and control initially. Later in your progression, you may learn a “hybrid” type position which is a mix of the two, based upon your consistent fall rate and finally the “shelf or stall” position which is more commonly used for VFS flying

• For the “straddle” position, your legs will be straight and spread as wide as possible (laterally)

• For the “daffy” position, your designated front and rear leg will be spread wide (longitudinally), both legs will be bent at approximately 90º to ensure that they are balanced in the wind

• Once you are stable, your Coach will give you the signal to release the net one hand at a time. It is done in this manner to ensure that you maintain stability throughout the release process. Once you release you will relax your arms, initially close to your sides

 • With your arms from the relaxed position, slightly raise them to about shoulder height with a slight bend at the elbow

• The position of your head can have an effect on the line of your body, which ultimately can affect the pitch of your body in the wind causing unwanted drive. Try to avoid having your chin down toward your chest exposing your back to the wind; this can cause a forward drive. Alternatively, having your head rotated back too far can expose too much of your chest and create a backward drive

• If you are signaled to do so, or if you feel any large instabilities, “bail” to a neutral Back Fly position

• The “bail” is completed by tucking your head forward toward your chest and performing a front flip type maneuver

• You will repeat these steps until your Coach feels that you are stable and ready to begin lifting off of the net

• During each rotation, you will learn to balance each aspect of your position: your torso straight, your arms spread, your front and your back leg. Maintaining constant control of each unit of your body will allow you to maintain controlled neutral flight with no movement


 Off The Net:

• Once you have practiced your Head Down body position on the net, your Coach will ensure that you are able to control your position in the wind speed required for you to fly off the net

• Begin in a neutral position on the net and await the instruction to lift

• To begin to raise off of the net, you will need to evenly spread each part of your flying surface area to create the lift required

• Initially, you will only have enough wind speed for you to lift off the net but not so much that any instability will create a fast and dangerous drive

• Your Coach will gradually increase the wind speed after you demonstrate stability and safe practices

• Make continuous small adjustments to your body position to maintain your relative position inside the tunnel

• If you encounter any large drives or if your Coach instructs you, then “bail” immediately to a Back Fly position

• Your Coach will continue to have one grip on you throughout the entire process

• You will repeat the process until your Coach feels comfortable with you progressing to basic Head Down maneuvers

Post-flight questions / suggestions

  • How did your performance match the initial objectives?
  • Were you able to maintain stability on the net and progress to flying off the net at moderate wind speeds?
  • What techniques did you feel comfortable with and what can you improve on during the next session?
  • Are you able to demonstrate correct bailing procedures?
  • Are you ready to be released?


Your head down progression will initially be slowly staged in order to allow adequate opportunity to accomplish each aspect of the skill correctly and safely. As you start to master the position and are able to be released by your Coach, the doors will open for you within this area of your flying on your path to becoming a pro-flyer.

© 2005 - 2025 International Bodyflight Association™

The IBA distinguishes between the sport of indoor skydiving (engaged in by patrons with IBA accounts seeking approval of flight skills though the IBA's Flight Progression System) and recreational flying (engaged in by entertainment customers who do not intend to pursue approval of skills). While indoor skydiving is safe for all ages, the inherent risk of the activity is necessarily greater for those engaging in the sport of indoor skydiving, particularly as they progress through more sophisticated maneuvers.